This fall we used the K2Mapping System I developed with Ocean Exploration Trust to map some of the “greatest hits” dive sites of Hawai. Enjoy a few galleries from some of the hilights.
Real time acquisition screenshots
Quick Turnaround Divemaps
Using the RoShip s7k compatibility we were able to quickly process the data in QPS Qimera and export them to Nautilus’s standard ROV navigation software to guide the dive in real time. This ability allowed the team to spend much more time focusing on areas of interest rather than visually searching the seafloor.

Additionally, the dive maps proved useful for post dive reports:

Imperial Japanese Prototype Fast Attack Submarine
This wreck was the Japanese I-201 Prototype fast attack sub. Although the wreck was in two pieces it was relatively in tact making for some beautiful imaging. Using these maps during the dive we were able to locate and image isolated features like a torpedo which would have been easily missed on a visual only inspection.
Imperial Japanese Aircraft Carrier Submarine
Our Final site was on a prototype Imperial Japanese submarine I-401 which featured a hangar to deploy attack float planes. The submarine was captured at the end of the war and sunk with a torpedo. Using the mapping system we were able to quickly locate the site, find the bow and stern section and map the debris field. The real time maps allow for rapid exploration of the debris field and we were able to image the hangar, conning tower and anti aircraft gun with only 45 minutes left in the dive after visiting the main hull sections.
Cave Exploration
Here’s an example of the K2Mapping systems ability to map vertical structure. All data is represented as a 3d occupancy grid with meshes as a final product. This allows for the preservation of detail in vertical structure versus traditional gridding methods. The real time acquisition can be seen here:
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